Healthy Ramen Soup

I was introduced to Ramen noodles in college and although, I no longer crave them, my children occasionally enjoy a bowl on occasion. Most Ramen noodles are not know to be healthy. They contain wheat in the noodles, which is a common sensitivity and allergen. Packs of Ramen, also are high in sodium, non-food ingredients, and even can have MSG, which is safest to avoid.

I recently began purchasing Lotus Foods Organic Rice Ramen Noodles. I use the Forbidden, Millet and Rice, and Jade Pearl noodles. I cook them in my own chicken stock and add a variety of proteins or veggies.

Here is a basic recipe that I might throw together for lunch:



1 Ramen Noodle Cake

1 &1/2 cup finely chopped veggies (carrots, celery, squash, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower…really whatever you have in the fridge-though I personally would not use beets or potatoes). I like color, so choose veggies of different colors if I can.

1 T. chopped red onion or scallion

2 cups chicken broth/stock (home-made or store bought)

1 c. protein: chopped cooked chicken, pork, or fish are best with chicken broth (if using beef, I like to use beef broth instead of chicken stock)


1/2 cup sesame seed oil

1/4 cup soy sauce (I like to use gluten free kinds)

2 t. garlic powder

1 T. ground ginger


  1. Cook broth with noodles and vegetables and meat until noodles are tender (about 5 minutes boiling)
  2. Mix sauce ingredients together and mix into soup once cooked
  3. Serve hot-can sprinkle with sesame seeds or fresh chopped cilantro