The Adulterous: Romanced -Lessons From Hosea-Part 6


“None is righteous, no, not one;
no one understands;
no one seeks for God.” Rom 3:10-11

Left to my own demise, like a sheep, I would wander in this world in my own doomed way. I am utterly incapable to even seek after God for redemption. Unless He chooses to seek me out of the wasteland of life, I am doomed to a bitter end. It is as though my eyes are completely blind to God unless He choses to open them. 

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:44

I am not alone in my plight, all mankind suffers the same destiny if not rigorously perused by their loving Creator, Father. We are helpless to even seek out God. God’s wooing is the only source of hope for our souls to begin to desire to seek Him. 

But thankfully, God does woo. He gently romances the heart of a desperately, self-consumed sinner. And he proves to be an irresistible Lover, for no one whom He calls, is able to resist such affectionate kindness.

God is a gentleman, He does not force His hand to win the heart of His bride. No, He plans, He prepares, and He whispers. God needs His bride alone. If she is with her lovers and gods, she will be too distracted to see the emptiness of her soul. There must be a moment of desperation for the bride to run to her Bridegroom for deliverance. Note more on her wilderness experience…

So, God takes His bride away from her comforts, from her distractions, from all the silly things she calls important. He entices her to a place alone with Him. There she can clearly see how vain her pursuit of happiness has been. And there, God speaks to her heart, gently, affectionately, and with much mercy.

“And I will punish her for the feast days of Baals when she burned offerings to them and adorned herself with her ring and jewelry, and went after her lovers and forgot me, declares the Lord. Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.” This is the romancing of God on a heart, that does not even desire to seek Him.

This is truly a breathtaking moment. The God, Creator, in His perfection and holiness, in his all-knowing wisdom and glory, does not  rush down upon his chosen bride with condemnation and fierceness as she so deserves. No, God speaks gently, tenderly, softly with his still, small voice. And so, the journey of redemption begins.