The Covenant Made -Lessons from Hosea-Part 2


Marriage is a covenant that merely gives us, in our limited human nature, a snapshot of the deep, eternal covenant God has made with us as His eternal bride. Marriage on earth, although sacred, is temporal, and a covenant capable of being broken.

In contrast: the covenant Christ has made with us, His bride, is an impeccably sacred and pure covenant. It is an eternal covenant. And unlike earthly covenants, no amount of unfaithfulness on my part will ever break it. The covenant between Christ and the church is holy, sacred, eternal, and unbreakable. God’s covenant with me is unlike anything my earthly mind can comprehend.

In Hosea 2:19-20 we read a beautiful promise that has yet to be fulfilled for Israel, but in the promise is the words of God’s vows to His Bride. The promise God gives Israel is one that cannot be made here on earth. His commitment to His covenant is one we can only we relate to through our finite marriage vows. “And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the LORD.”

The sweetness I see is the covenant is made by an absolutely perfect, holy, and all powerful Being to very wicked, unholy, and powerless beings.