Honey Cough Chews

1 1/2 Cups honey

1 T. Powdered Ginger

1-2 teaspoons Cayenne pepper (This can be skipped for little ones who are sensitive to spices, but it is very helpful to relieve congestion if one can take the heat)

This is a candy making process, so I do not recommend doubling the recipe and I also recommend keeping the measurements and temperatures as precise as possible to avoid over cooking or undercooking.

  1. In a large, heavy pot, ON MEDIUM-HIGH HEAT, Cook all the ingredients to a soft crack (185F/140C on a candy thermometer) It is important to cut the heat immediately as soon as the temperature is reached. There is a fine line between making perfect candy and overcooking.
  2. Line an edged pan with parchment paper. (I use a jelly roll pan, but a 9×13 works fine too).
  3. As soon as the honey and spices have reached the 185 mark, remove from heat and dump into prepared pan.
  4. Do not touch it for a good 15 minutes. It is incredibly hot and can burn skin easily.
  5. Once the honey has cooled to where it can be touched, wash hands, but do not dry them. With wet hands, gently pick up the honey and begin to play with it…stretch, twist, pull, wrap. This is the same method used to make pulled taffy.
  6. For the next 10-15 minutes pull the honey, twist it, pull, it. Wet or oil hands as needed to prevent sticking to hands. It will start to change in color as air bubbles are put inside the honey.
  7. Once the honey is looking whitish and opaque, and cool to touch make a long rope out of it and lay it on the parchment paper.
  8. Use scissors to cut the candy into 1 1/2 inch logs.
  9. Wrap each piece in rectangles of parchment paper.
  10. These MUST be stored in an airtight container or they will get sticky. A jar or Ziploc bag work fine. They will last indefinitely, and can be kept in the family medicine cupboard to be used as needed.

Honey is a scientifically proven cough remedy. It also acts as an expectorant, so the cough is not only tamed, but the mucus is loosened and allowed to drain or be coughed up with less restriction. Honey sooths the throat. And honey has no side affects, unlike traditional cough medications.

Ginger helps ease a cough and reduces bodily-including sinus sand chest -inflammation.

Cayenne Pepper-a little spice gets the nose running right? I love cayenne pepper for its slow burning heat, and yes, it does help drainage and interestingly soothes sore throats too!

When my children were still toddlers, their pediatrician told me not to use cough syrups at all, but recommended honey whenever they got a cold. I can personally attest to the healing powers of honey. I like that I don’t have to even wait for it wo work, but feel results immediately.

I use honey a lot during illnesses. I add honey to tea, give the children honey-sticks, and even make these honey chews to help with healing and discomfort. I also make A Healing Punch to help speed up healing as noted in another post.

A Healing Punch

Vitamin C crystals (Well known to heal the body, but are quickly excreted and must be constantly taken throughout a day to be most helpful)

Baobab powder (highest antioxidant in any known fruit)(Also has potassium which helps prevent muscle cramps from fluid loss during fevers)

Matcha Tea Powder (it is like concentrated green tea, but it naturally calms the body without making it tired. Contains EGCG which prevents the growth of many viruses and bacteria)

Stevia (Since Sugar can slow down or prevent healing, to sweeten home-made drinks, I rely heavily on stevia. I buy it in powdered form, but it can be purchased in liquid as well)

D3K2 Liquid (My chiropractor hooked me on liquid D vitamins. Adding K2 to D vitamins helps in the absorbency of D. Studies show that people with low D in their systems heal slower than those who have enough D. D is important in daily life, but more important in those who are sick)

Natural Extracts (I have an inspirational lazy-susan full of natural extracts. I use them to flavor coffee, milk, and make my own cold drinks. I have found an brand called “Olive Nation” to have the best flavor for the money, but will purchase from other sellers as well. I generally stick to extracts which are water based flavors, oil based flavors work well in cooking, but don’t mix well in most drinks)

Salt (a small bit of salt helps restore electrolytes, similar to Pedialyte or Gatorade. This is especially helpful if a lot of water has been lost due to a high fever)(I like to use pink salt or sea salt, rather than an ionized salt)

Healing Punch

  • 2 teaspoons Vitamin C Crystals
  • 1 teaspoon Baobab Powder
  • 1 teaspoons matcha tea powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon stevia (this is a lot for stevia, but vitamin C is so acidic, it is needed-more can even be added if one finds 1 t. to be too tart.)
  • 5 drops Liquid D3K2
  • 1 teaspoon lemon extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cherry extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups water
    ice as desired
  • 1. Mix ingredients together and sip slowly throughout a morning or afternoon. Do not guzzle down. It is actually most effective if taken in slowly as the nutrients are given time to absorb into the body, without flooding the system.
  • 2. Experimenting with different extracts is fun too.

Yogurt Cheese: Whey too Easy NOT to Make


One 16 oz. container of Greek yogurt with live active cultures (homemade works well, as does any fat content)Thin cotton towel or cheesecloth, Cold plastic drink container with tight fitting lid

Directions: (This seriously takes about three minutes total)

  1. Open the container of Greek Yogurt and plop the yogurt onto the thin towel or cloth.

2. Gently twist the cloth a little around the yogurt and then pinch the edges of the cloth around the top of the container so the yogurt is swinging inside the cloth about halfway down.

3. Pinch the cloth into place with the lid.

4. Pop in the fridge for 24 hours.

5. When the cloth is removed, there will be whey liquid on the bottom of the container (whey) and cheese inside the cloth.

6. The whey can be eaten, or used in fermenting other foods, or simply put down the drain.

7. The cheese can be seasoned or put in a covered container to use at a later date.

I love yogurt cheese. It is thick and creamy like cream cheese, but tangy like yogurt.

I made a batch of yogurt cheese yesterday. It is a very simple process.

Various flavors can be added to it…everything bagel, capers, olives, garlic or onion are simple choices to add to the yogurt cheese. However I experiment often and am always coming up with new ideas.

Yogurt cheese can replace cream cheese in many instances.

I like to keep my yogurt cheese for fresh occasions rather than baked goods so none of the precious bacteria are killed during heating, but this is a personal choice. It often is a healthy spread for bagels or sandwiches, but can be a great snacking alternative to junk snacks as well.

Yogurt as we know is packed full of amazing friendly bacteria. Unless one is making his or her own yogurt, the friendly bacteria is killed along with the nasty bacteria in the American pasteurization process. Some yogurt companies are conscious of that fact, and introduce healthy bacteria into the yogurt after the pasteurization process. If bacteria is added back into the yogurt, it will be noted on the label as “live” and/or “active” cultures. Sometimes only two cultures are added back in. However a good brand of yogurt will add six or more back into the yogurt. Homemade yogurt, is still superior, sporting twelve or more strains of friendly bacteria. It is simple to pick up a container of yogurt at a store, but many people, including myself if time permits, opt to make their own yogurt simply so they can receive the optimum benefits of yogurt.