The Purpose of Journeys of a Homemaker

2017-10-08 11.44.55This blog has two basic purposes. The first is to share the gospel, not just for evangelism, but for its value in the heart and lives of believers. God is most glorified through His Son. It was God’s Son who came to die to redeem a people for the glory of God. The gospel is why the world was created. It is why I exist. We, as God’s creation are able to glorify God only through the precious gospel of Christ.

The second purpose of this blog is to cross paths with other women and allow others to step into my life a little. All of us women have various journeys in life. Some are in a season of singleness, some are married, widowed, divorced, some women have an unfulfilled longing for children, others have a quiver full of children. We move, we deal with illness, loss, and the ever unexpected changes in directions. We can encourage and build each other up. I have been privileged with a multitude of other women, further along in their journey, who have poured their lives into mine. I have also been blessed with various trials and experiences that have altered the course of my heart. But nothing compares with what I have learned about God through Scripture. Wisdom is invaluable to all of us. And I am delighted to be able to share my journey with fellow travelers, as we venture forth into our various territories ahead.