A Homemaker


2017-10-08 11.14.07Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebecca. I am in the middle-age zone of life, so an older woman to some, and a younger woman to others. I have been married going on 12 years and have four little blessing to enjoy and train for a short moment in my life.

I am reluctant to say that I have an undergraduate degree in Family and Consumer Sciences (that is home-economics) and Master’s degree in Elementary education. I do not want anyone reading, to think that one has to have degree to be an excellent home-maker, wife, mother, or teacher. I want my education an experience to be an encouragement. Perhaps I can help in the journey of other home-makers because I have studied it extensively and am passionate about homemaking. I have also been blessed by the lives of many other women the Lord has put in my life. I have incredible mothers in the Lord. I have had the privilege of even living with one before I married. Their journeys and wisdom in life has been poured into mine. As a result, I have a better marriage than I would have on my own. I also have a perspective on cherishing and raising my children that I have gleaned through the lives of older mothers. And the tips, methods, and cooking skills I have learned from other women is priceless. I have also read books….hundreds of books about the doctrines of Scripture mostly, but cooking, housekeeping, sewing, time-management, being a loving wife and mother, along with books on home-education. I believe it is crucial to pursue a life-long education.

In this blog there are tips, recipes, and lessons on homemaking, but there are also lessons from Scripture that the Lord has graciously taught me through life. We experience many journeys as women. Singleness, marriage, childbearing, loss, moving, physical difficulties, trials and pains, and financial crisis are just a few of our experiences. In order to use our journeys in life to bring God glory, we must absolutely be devoted to Scripture. Our hearts cannot even survive the storms of our own body if we are not grounded on the doctrine of Scripture. Hopefully, this blog serves as a guidepost, directing fellow homemakers toward the purpose of our lives in this, God ordained speck of time in eternity.